Ty Hillis

Parallel 49 Brewing Co. Filthy Dirty IPA

Most of the empty beer bottles that end up on my shelf earned their spot after giving me a taste worth remembering. However, before I can even taste it, it has to call out to me in a certain way. Labels often play a large role in the beer I choose to drink and...

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Getting to Know: Big Table Farm

Humans, as a species, are visually driven. When we see a photograph or watch a movie that is visually pleasing, we are drawn in and take notice. By being guided by these ocular clues around the world, many decisions are made on the basis of sight alone. Take, for...

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We Dig: Grow Your Own Beer

Food always tastes better when it comes from your own backyard. The satisfaction after the hard work put in to growing it combined with that freshly picked taste simple cannot be beat by store-bought foods. And while most people don’t grow their own hops and brew...

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