The aptly named “Femme Ferment” series is a labor of love from the Women of Silver City Brewery. Femme Ferment is a hands on brewing class for women interested in joining the Brewing industry or who have a passion for learning more about the brewing process.
As a means to encourage more accessibility and gender diversity in the brewing industry, Silver City Brewery has cultivated a five-part series to break down the brewing process and allow hands on education for women, by women. From malt and hop sensory to milling and fermentation, each class builds upon the last and leads up to a group brew day that will put the culmination of beer education to practical use. Classes include guest speakers such as Seattle Beer School’s Shawna Cormier and Jess Keller Poole who lead the first installment and Rikki Welz an Advanced Cicerone from Iron Horse Brewery who was the guest speaker at the October class. Each session ends with a social hour in the beer garden, because when you share a beer, you create a community.
Their hope is to promote more inclusivity and diversity in brewing hobbyists, as well as professional brewers.
While the current series is almost fully booked, they will be creating a waiting list for addition classes if you’re interested in participation. Email inquiries to
For additional info you can find the full class itinerary on the Silver City Brewery website under the Community tab / Femme Ferment. Silver City Brewery – Femme Ferment
New Educational Series is focused on Female inclusion in the Brewing Industry
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