Arguably one of the world’s healthiest foods, ginger adds pep to any step. An aid in gastrointestinal distress, an anxiety reliever, possessor of therapeutic properties and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, ginger is all good. Eugene, Ore.-based Genesis Juice also strives to produce all good—with “the juice, the whole juice, nothing but the juice” as their slogan. Cold-pressed, hand-blended and hand-bottled, Genesis uses 100 percent organic ingredients in their fresh, raw juices, including the Apple Ginger juice which is straight up apple and ginger juices. Springy, tart, tangy, crisp and juicy, the undeniable bittersweet nectar of apple is amplified with the semi-sweet and sharp kick of ginger. Guaranteed to wake you up on a slow Monday morning!

Genesis Organic Apple Ginger Juice
Erin James
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