Eccentric, eclectic and nautical are three accounts some might use to describe the coastal Oregon town of Astoria. Wearing the weird proudly, Astoria is home to many food and beverage entrepreneurial endeavors from seafood and wine festivals to legendary canneries and beer, like Fort George Brewing. Delighted to let their freak flag fly, Fort George is also delighted to provide locals and travelers alike an equally unorthodox and extensive line-up of beers, with “regular,” “seasonal” and “occasional” releases. One of the regulars at this Astoria bar top is the Vortex IPA, available in can and draft and off many tap handles across the Northwest. Herbal, tropical and assertively hoppy with pine, cream soda maltiness and citrus pop in the back of the aromatic bouquet. The palate is grandiose, solidly firm and full-bodied with balance in its hops and malts. Less a whirlwind of weird like the town the beer hails from, this IPA is brawny and bold and will tell you so.
Follow on Facebook: Fort George Brewing and Public House
Track on Twitter: @FortGeorgeBeer