British Columbia – Following significant freeze events and subsequent grape losses, vintners across British Columbia are welcoming the news of temporary government support to allow wines to be made with grapes and juice from outside the province for the 2024 vintage.
“The challenges facing the BC wine industry today are unlike anything we have experienced in the past and require unique solutions to maintain the viability of not just the wine industry, but also tourism, hospitality, and accommodation sectors that are so critical to our economy,” says Miles Prodan, President & CEO, Wine Growers British Columbia. “We’d like to thank Premier Eby, Minister Farnworth and his cabinet colleagues, as well as our local MLA’s Roly Russell and Harwinder Sandhu for their commitment to the BC wine industry. This announcement, along with the replant funding announced in March of 2024, gives BC wine growers the options needed to plan for the future and ensures that this critical industry will continue for years to come.”
For winemakers and consumers alike, wine quality and truth in labelling are of utmost importance regardless of where the grapes or juice is coming from. For more than 30 years, BC VQA has been a symbol of quality, and that will not change, as wines made using non-BC grapes or juice will not be labelled or marketed as BC products.
Since the freeze events, Wine Growers BC have been passionate advocates for temporary support measures that allow wineries to get through this critical time, maintain jobs in the community, and support local industries, including tourism and hospitality.
“When you travel to any one of BC’s nine wine regions, it’s easy to see why wine tourism is such a significant driver in our province,” says Kimberley Barnes, Marketing Director, Wine Growers British Columbia. “From the exceptional people behind the wines and the spectacular scenery surrounding the wineries, to the array of unique and diverse events and experiences offered across the province, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. While this year’s vintage may look a little bit different, consumers can trust that, whether they are enjoying a 100% BC wine or a non-BC wine made by a BC winery, it will be expertly crafted and will tell the story of the people and place behind the wine.”
- The BC wine industry generates approximately $3.75 billion annually, contributes over $440 million in federal and provincial tax revenues, and employs 14,000-plus full-time workers.
- BC wine tourism draws an annual estimated 1 million tourists with $452 million in tourism-related revenue and $147 million in wages across 2,615 tourism-related jobs.
- For every bottle of BC wine sold, $105 is contributed to the regional and national economy.
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