4 Questions with Drew Colpitts of Seapine Brewing

by | Dec 5, 2016

When Seapine Brewing transferred its digs to a new, larger location east of the Viaduct in Seattle’s SoDo district last year, the move seemed to set the tone for what would come in 2016: all things bigger and even better. Since then, we’ve seen bigger brewing operations (more tanks, meaning five times the original production volume), a bigger taproom (a warehouse whose handcrafted coziness defies its industrial context) and more of the big-flavor brews fans have come to love.

On the heels of the new location’s first anniversary, owner and brewer Drew Colpitts remains at the helm of a team that continues to top itself. Next up for Seapine? Sixty newly acquired barrels will soon house sour beer creations in-the-making; the recent anniversary IPA release will continue its reign in Colpitts’ personal beverage rotation and the brewery’s soundtrack will keep on paying tribute to recently passed musicians. Read on for more from Colpitts himself.

1) Which of your own current offerings are you digging the most?
For our new tasting room’s first anniversary party we just released a new IPA called Loa de la Terra. It’s named for the voodoo Loa — idol — Azacca. It’s loaded with Azacca hops and it is delicious. Like really damn good. I can’t stop “sampling” it.

2) Any brewing pipe dreams you’re dying to make a reality?
No pipe dreams but we just got our hands on about 60 barrels that we are starting to fill. Look for a significant amount of diverse sour beers to hit the shelves next summer and fall. We have some very unique yeast cultures bubbling away and they are ready to go to work.

3) What non-beer beverage is in your glass most these days? What is your favorite way to enjoy it and where?
Whiskey and warm cider. Every fall at home, we break out this 110-year-old Hocking Valley apple press and have a big party. We squeeze about 500 pounds of apples from my friend’s orchard down in Cowiche, Washington. Everyone gets a chance to turn the press and everyone leaves with a gallon or two of fresh cider. We usually end up with about five gallons or so that gets fermented and fives gallons or so that gets “whiskey-ed.”

4) Favorite song, album or artist to jam out to while throwing a few down the hatch?
It’s been a tough year for the music community. In the brewery we have been playing a lot of Bowie, Prince and Tribe [Called Quest]. Other than that you’ll most likely hear whatever is on KEXP. We are huge fans and supporters.

Leesy Latronica

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