by | Sep 1, 2023

We are now accepting submissions for our 12th Annual Best of the Northwest cider competition!  

All submissions are tasted blind, by a panel of the Northwest’s top palates made up of pommeliers, beverage directors/buyers, writers, producers, bottle shop owners and industry professionals.  The top four from each category will be awarded – Platinum, Double Gold, Gold or Silver. The larger categories will have Judges’ Picks which are the next highest-ranking beverages after the four medalists (Platinum, Double Gold, Gold and Silver).  At the end of the competition readers will gain further insight into the ever-evolving Northwest cider scene and have an expertly curated shopping list of what to drink for the next year and beyond.  



1) Cost of entry is $55 for each individual product submission. Payment is accepted via credit card by clicking HERE (or by copying the link below into your browser*), as well as by check via mail to 1335 N. Northlake Way, Suite 101, Seattle, WA 98103. All applicable submission fees must be paid in full by Friday, October 20, 2023 to be entered in the judging. 

2) Please fill out the linked submission form by clicking HERE (or by copying the link below into your browser**). Each form provides for up to five (5) submissions. If you are submitting more than five (5) products, submit one form and start a second (or third) until you are finished. The submission will not be entered in the judging if the form is not included.

3) PRODUCT QUANTITY: Send four (4) samples of each submission for 500ml or less, two (2) samples for 19oz, 22oz or 750ml bottles or one (1) 64 oz growler.

5) All products must be produced in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana or British Columbia.

6) Submission receiving deadline is Friday, October 20, 2023

Note: if you do not currently package your product and will be sending a growler, please email Melissa Miller at to coordinate.

*Payment link:

**Submission form link:



BERRY: Cider base infused with any combination of berries. This cider is berry only.

BOTANICAL: Cider base infused with any combination of herbs, nectars, leaves, tea, etc.

COCKTAIL INSPIRED (New): Ciders with apple or pear base, that are influenced by cocktails (ex. paloma, sangria, margarita, mojito, mimosa).

DESSERT/FORTIFIED: Ice cider, late harvest, pommeau-style or other styles with spirits added.

FRUIT: Cider base infused with other fruits, such as pear, tropical fruit, etc.  Stone Fruit ciders have their own category.

FRUIT / STONE-FRUIT CO-FERMENTED: Cider plus fruit that are fermented together 

HIGH TANNIN – Dry- up to 2% RS Apple- only, focused on the specific apple used,. Ciders in this category are made primarily with bittersweet and/or bittersharp apples and the resulting cider has significant bittersweet/bittersharp characteristics and tannin content.  Apples may include multi-use and cider-specific apples (such as Dabbinet, Chisel Jersey, Domaine, Frequin Rouge) resulting in higher tannin content. Please specify in the “adjunct or style descriptor” section the type of apple(s) used in the cider. This was the prior Heritage category. PLEASE NOTE IN THE DESCRIPTION SECTION WHAT TYPE OF APPLE(S) ARE USED.

HIGH TANNIN – Sweet – >2.0% RS Apple- only, focused on the specific apple used. Ciders in this category are made primarily with bittersweet and/or bittersharp apples and the resulting cider has significant bittersweet/bittersharp characteristics and tannin content.  Apples may include multi-use and cider-specific apples (such as Dabbinet, Chisel Jersey, Domaine, Frequin Rouge) resulting in higher tannin content. Please specify in the “adjunct or style descriptor” section the type of apple(s) used in the cider. This was the prior Heritage category. PLEASE NOTE IN THE DESCRIPTION SECTION WHAT TYPE OF APPLE(S) ARE USED.

IMPERIAL CIDERS (New) – Ciders with higher-than-average alcohol content and bold flavors. Imperial ciders have an ABV of 8% or higher.  Please note ABV in the description section.

MODERN – Dry — up to 2% RS: Apple only, focused on the specific apples, dessert/culinary or multi-purpose apples (such as Fuji, Newtown Pippin, McInosh, Golden Russet). Resulting cider is fresh, high acid with little to no tannin.

MODERN – Sweet — >2.0% RSApple only, focused on the specific apples, dessert/culinary or multi-purpose apples (such as Fuji, Newtown Pippin, McInosh, Golden Russet). Resulting cider is fresh, high acid with little to no tannin.

HOPPED: Cider base that has hops added.

PERRY: 100% fermented pear, made from pear varieties grown specifically for perry production, as well as those made from culinary/table pears. Can be labeled as pear cider as long as it is exclusively pear juice. Blended pear and apple ciders go in the Fruit category.

PÉT NAT: The pét nat process involves achieving carbonation through the fermentation process rather than infusing CO2 into the beverage. These ciders may be spontaneously fermented or pitched, but must be bottle finished. Apple and/or pear only, apples used may be dessert/culinary or cider-specific.

ROSÉ (Red-Fleshed Varieties): Cider with a pinkish hue made heritage cider apples, including red-fleshed varieties. A cider may be pinkish in color and the cidermaker may choose not to use the rosé cider nomenclature, but all rosé ciders are pinkish in color. 

SINGLE VARIETAL: A showcase of one varietal; must be 80% varietal and apple only.

SPECIALTY: A catchall category for unique blends, a cider base infused with any specialty ingredients such as squash, coffee, rhubarb, New England-style, etc. Also including cysers.

SPICED: Cider base infused with any combination of spices or spicy vegetables, such as baking spices, habaneros, ginger, etc.

STONE FRUIT: Cider base infused with stone fruit, such as cherry, apricot, plum, etc. 

TROPICAL (New): Cider based infused or co-fermented with ONLY tropical fruits such as dragon fruit, acai, pineapple, guava and papaya.

WOOD-AGED: Ciders aged in or with wood, such as barrels, oak cubes, chips, staves, etc.

*Though unlikely for most, all categories are subject to change if submissions are too low or too high. In the case of lower submissions, cider would be merged into an appropriately fitting category; for higher submissions, a category of its own would be created.



1) Carefully package all glass-format ciders, especially growlers, as shipping companies are not always gentle.

2) Please do not use packing peanuts or popcorn.

3) Ship all entries to the following address:

Sip Magazine c/o Seattle Wine Storage
ATTN: Best of Cider
9401 Aurora Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

For personal delivery, please email Melissa Miller at

Sip Magazine is an award-winning publication covering the wine, beer, spirits and cider of the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

To view the winners from 11th Annual Best of the Northwest Cider click here.

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