4 Questions with Meg Murray of Nasty Woman Wines

by | Mar 13, 2017

Nasty Women get things done. For Meg Murray, this meant introducing a wine label with enough verve, boldness and purpose to live up to the moniker made famous by the 2016 U.S. election cycle. It all made perfect sense, considering Murray’s background in international studies and political science (which preceded her work for a former U.S. congresswoman and for the Senate Democratic Leadership Fund of Oregon) and wine brokering and consulting.

“Politics drove me to drink,,” Murray says. “At least that’s what I joke about when explaining how I got into wine.” And, truly, the best way to understand the Nasty Woman Wines genesis story – and what continues to propel it forward – is to hear it from Murray herself.

“When the term ‘Nasty Woman’ hit, it struck a nerve with me,” her says. “I am over the mansplaining. I’m done with strong capable women being called bitchy. I’m over women candidates, leaders​ and executives being judged for what they wear, how often they smile, what they weigh or the tone of their voice rather than the content of their policy, their work or their character. Done. Done with it.”

On the morning of Election Day, Murray purchased nastywomanwines.com, insistently trademarking Nasty Woman in the beverage category on the day a woman could have taken office, she says.

“The next morning, I was in disbelief of the election results,” she adds. “My five-year-old daughter turned and asked when she could run for president. Something clicked. She asked ‘when,’ not ‘if.’… I became proud. Proud that my daughter had witnessed a strong woman running for the highest office in our land. I became hopeful. Hopeful that real progress was being made. I also became determined. I knew I needed to do something to assure progress wasn’t slipping backwards. So then I got nasty.”

From there, Nasty Woman Wines was born, with 20 percent of net profits aiding in getting more women in policy and leadership positions. Here’s what happens behind the scenes — from the drawing board to Murray’s fireside.

1) Which of your own current offerings are you digging the most?
Nasty Woman Wine’s Pantsuit Pinot Noir! She’s unapologetically tasty, complex and keeps me thinking. I love to blind taste people on this wine. It retails at $25. It was important to me that the wine punch above its weight class. The gender wage gap still exists. Women only make an average 79 cents to every dollar men make in the United States. This is 2017, people. Seriously. And these are numbers for white women; minorities make even less, with Hispanic Women averaging 55 cents on a white man’s dollar.

This brand is catchy, I get that. But the juice, the content of the character of this wine needed to stand on its own, and she does.

2) Any winemaking pipe dreams you’re dying to make a reality?
I would like to take this brand global and have wines from other countries — the most expressive varietals from different regions. I’m also really excited about our upcoming Boss Lady Bubbles made from Riesling with just a kiss of sweetness. There are more in the lineup, many of which will be available first to #GetNasty Wine Club members.

3) What non-wine beverage is in your glass most these days? What is your favorite way to enjoy it and where?
I’m just starting to appreciate whiskey. I’ve been drinking some nice ones neat lately when I am out and about. At home, my husband makes a really great whiskey cocktail. He starts with some nice whiskey on ice and adds really good cherries, a splash of bitters, touch of cherry juice, then tops it off with a little sparkling water. I love drinking this in our cozy living room with the fire going.

4) Favorite song, album or artist to jam out to while throwing a few down the hatch?
Okkervil River’s old-school album, “Don’t Fall In Love With Everyone You See.” I can listen to that album on repeat with the right bottle of whiskey.

Leesy Latronica

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