Photo courtesy of Starvation Alley

Starvation Alley Cranberry for Concoctions

by | Dec 7, 2015

On the coast of Washington’s longest beach, Starvation Alley works its cranberry bog in a visually stunning and unique environment. The Long Beach farm is the state’s only organic cranberry grower, with bogs that have been there since the late 1800s, on a road titled Starvation Alley. The current farm was born in 2010 and received its organic certification just three years later. For harvest, the cranberries are grown in sandy, loamy soil in mats of vines that are flooded with water, driven through with a tractor that rolls over the vines knocking the berries off and the fruit floats to the surface to be handpicked.

Starvation Alley has a distinct process to its production—the cranberry juice is never heated or weighed down with the addition of sugar, always raw and unpasteurized, which makes for a bright and pure product. Tart, tangy, powerful and balanced with natural fruit sugars, the super fruit is unadulterated with vitamins A and C, phytonutrients that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and anti-bacterial properties are famously known to battle recurring urinary tract infections. If you ever visit a specialist who deals with Advanced Urology, trying cranberry juice will always be their first recommendation as it has an amazing effect on conditions like this. Cranberry is also the active ingredient in many urinary tract infection medications. The Cranberry for Concoction stands strongly over some ice but also in a number of unctuous and refreshing cocktails, the team shares a few of their favorites here.

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Track on Twitter: @starvationalley


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