
Fort George Brewery 3-Way IPA

by | Jul 2, 2015

Remember those days when you were a kid, where you’d mash up your favorite action figures for a afternoon of epic adventure? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles teaming up with the X-Men, Luke Skywalker helping out the crew of the Enterprise, Spider-Man somehow solving a case with Sherlock Holmes… Brewery collaborations are kind of the adult version of that. Where your favorite breweries and brewers combine forces to tackle a common goal: to create a damn fine beer.

For three years now, the team at Fort George Brewery out of Astoria, Oregon have gathered some of the Northwest’s leading brewers into one room in order to produce a signature three-way collaboration India Pale Ale. The 3-Way IPA has become a seasonal highlight of the summer at Northwest bottle shops, with the 2015 power trio consisting of Fort George, Georgetown Brewing in Seattle and Pfriem Family Brewers in Hood River, Oregon. Utilizing a completely different recipe every year, as well as unique artwork for the can, the 3-Way IPA has developed cult status for beer lovers.

Sticking with the fresh hoppiness you’d expect from an IPA, this years’ 3-Way differs from previous incarnations by opening up aromas of citrus and tropical fruit. The palate delivers on what the nose expects with notes of tangerine, orange, grapefruit and bitter resin. The beer is light and creamy, not to mention thoroughly enjoyable to drink on a warm summers day outdoors.

Follow on Facebook: Fort George Brewery and Public House

Track on Twitter: @fortgeorgebeer


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